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Who are we and what do we hope to achieve together?

We are a community of domestic workers, immigrants, seniors, women, and youth who work with mutual commitment to build a strong Filipinx/a/o community in Chicago that advocates for immigrant and workers rights.

What are we working towards?

Amplifying the voice of the Filipinx/a/o community for systems change in the greater Chicagoland area;

Developing leadership and building organizational capacity to support those affected by injustice;

Protecting the rights of all workers and immigrants through community organizing and collective action.

What opportunities are available to members?

Access to information about current issues affecting our community;

Leadership and skill-building training;

A support system made up of fellow members;

A platform to have your voice heard;

Participation as a stakeholder of the organization.

What are we willing to do as members?

Honor AFIRE's mission, vision, and values;

Advocate for the rights of Filipinx/a/os and issues that arise in the Filipinx/a/o community;

Participate in collective decision-making by organzing, attending, and/or facilitating membership meetings;

Recruit new members;

Pay membership dues ($2/mo. or $20 annually) to support our activities and initiatives;

Take care and support each other's safety, wellness, and health by opposing all forms of oppression including classism, racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, ageism, ableism, xenophobia, and linguistic discrimination.

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