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The COVID-19 pandemic continues to take its toll on the Filipinx/a/o community, especially considering that many of our community members are frontline and essential workers (notably domestic workers). In an effort to assist our community, AFIRE has compiled a number of ways to access resources.

COVID-19 Emergency Relief Response Fund for Filipinx/a/os Outside of Cook County

Do you live in Illinois outside of Cook County? Has your income been affected by COVID-19? Filipinx/a/o have suffered disproportionately during the pandemic with limited assistance. 

Through a generous gift from the Chicago Community Trust and United Way, AFIRE Chicago has created the COVID-19 Emergency Relief Response Fund for individuals living in Illinois outside of Cook County. Resources are available on a one-time basis for individuals who have lost employment, wages, and/or housing due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as households that have experienced an outbreak of COVID-19. 

Priority will be given to individuals that identify as any community that AFIRE represents, primarily: Filipinx/a/o, immigrants, essential workers, domestic workers, older adults and youth.

Note: The survey is now closed. For further assistance and information, please call us at 773-580-1025. 

Thank You
COVID-19 Resource Directory

Do you require other forms of assistance? AFIRE recognizes that the Illinois Filipinx/a/o community has a variety of needs during this pandemic. From emergency food and basic supplies to interim housing and shelter, below is a directory of resources offered by AFIRE’s partner organizations and the State of Illinois. 


To recommend other resources for the directory, please email us at

Attention Filipino Seniors of Chicago: The Survey for Chicago In-Home Vaccination for Seniors is now open!


The Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) is rolling out a new vaccine initiative for people who have a difficult time leaving home. The initiative prioritizes seniors age 65+ and the Protect Chicago Plus neighborhoods of West Englewood, Gage Park, North Lawndale, Chicago Lawn, Englewood, Roseland, Archer Heights, Washington Heights, Austin, Montclare, South Deering, Belmont Cragin, Humboldt Park, Little Village, and Back of the Yards. 

To apply, please fill out the CDPH survey here.

COVID-19 Testing and Vaccination Sites

Food Banks


Healthcare Resources (physical, mental, etc.)

Note: ALL federally qualified health centers in the State of Illinois will take patients with and without insurance.

Home Delivered Meals for Community Members age 60+

Housing Assistance


Legal Services


PPE Supplies


Unemployment Resources

Other Organization Efforts

University of Illinois at Chicago COVID-19 Study

Are you unemployed due to COVID-19 or are an essential worker? For Filipinx/a/os that live in Albany Park, Austin, Little Village, or West Ridge, the University of Illinois at Chicago is conducting interviews to understand racial disparities relating to COVID-19 with Chicago’s Filipina/o/x community. Interviews will run for 1-2 hours and participants will receive a $50 gift card. Please visit for more information.


Filipino American Lawyers Association

For additional legal resources, the Filipino American Lawyers Association of Chicago has compiled a legal directory during the time of COVID-19, from which AFIRE draws inspiration to create this page. For the FALA directory, please visit them here

UniPro Chicago

UniPro Chicago educates, empowers, and connects the Pilipino American community by providing a platform for dialogue and growth. UniPro uplifts COVID-19 resource efforts provided for Pilipinos. Please visit their website here.

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